The best hosting service is the one that grows with your sites. With the resources you need to grow at hand, your sites will not be facing slow speeds and downtimes. Our OpenVZ VPS hosting plans are ready to meet your growing website needs. They are based on powerful virtual server machines and offer 2-5 times bigger RAM quotas at 2-5 times lower prices. A guaranteed quality at a guaranteed speed.
With each plan you get OS choices, full root access, and our Free Web Hosting Control Panel with unlimited hosted domains.
Choose the OpenVZ VPS plan right for you
Upgrade Services
Upgrade Services & Control Panel Preferences:
- Free Hepsia Control Panel + unlimited domains *
- cPanel + unlimited domains **
- Free DirectAdmin + unlimited domains **
* for Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu
** for CentOS only
- Managed services pack (comes with vBox8 - vBox16)
- Weekly OS Update
- Monitoring & Rebooting
- Installation & Troubleshooting (30 mins)
- Installation & Troubleshooting (60 mins): $62.00/h
Hepsia Reseller Tools
If you are interested in starting a reseller hosting business, or if you are simply looking for ways to offset the cost of your virtual private server, you can consider using the Hepsia Control Panel.
It's available for free with our VPS setups and allows you to create 5 web hosting subaccounts out of the box.
Note: Please keep in mind that customer support is limited to the main server only, so we won’t be able to assist customers on subaccounts, even if you get a Managed Services package.
Why Choose Our VPS

"The new control panel is so much better.
I think this one has much more control over files and how they are controled compared to the previous one"
- Patrick J. /USA Price that Fits Your Budget
Our VPS solution offers a good balance between quality and budget. Each configuration offers a good service and support at a much lower price as compared to other similar offers on the market. Just check out our offers and see for yourself.
Spare Parts
We keep all kinds of spare server parts to quickly replace a broken part in case of a memory/CPU/NVMe/motherboard /chassis/RAID controller failure. We also keep spare servers to easily react in the event of more complicated server issues. To minimize downtime, we simply move all of the NVMes to a new spare server, while investigating which part needs to be replaced.
Start with 1 GB of RAM
Our starter plan offers 1 GB of guaranteed RAM. Now you can run most applications without "tweaking" them to fit your VPS package's allocated resources. If you run out of memory, you can switch to a more powerful plan with no need to consider a dedicated server. Just request an upgrade and you will get more RAM, CPU speed, storage.
FREE Weekly Off-site Backups
Every Saturday we make a full backup of your container and we keep 2 full backups of its data. It means you will be able to restore any data from the last 2 weeks, in the event of a problem.
Regular Hardware Testing
We run stress tests on our hardware for 7 days prior to releasing the server for use. The first 4 days are dedicated to memory tests to eliminate any bad memory signs. Then we run a CPU test for another 2 days to ensure CPU and motherboard components are running well. And finally - we run full write and read NVMe tests. We try our best to minimize any potential risk.
24x7 Support
If there is a problem with your VPS - we are here to help you out. For example, if your VPS is overloaded/running out of memory - we'll tell you how to reduce the memory/CPU usage, or if you have any network issues - we'll try to resolve them for you. Also, we'll provide support with any of our pre-installed applications and will try to resolve simple issues. Please note that we don't offer CMS/PHP script debugging.
In-house built Control Panel
If you need a simpler solution than DirectAdmin or cPanel, then try our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel. It offers an intuitive point & click interface, so you can work with your VPS like with a shared hosting account.
Offer Unlimited Domains to Your Clients
You can host unlimited domains on your VPS, create unlimited emails and so on.