What to expect from our Joomla hosting plan
Why waste money and efforts? Here is a Joomla web hosting plan for you, configured in accordance with all the conditions for a Joomla installation. No need to go and search for the script online and bother yourself with its installation! With our Joomla hosting plan you will get the script installed for you and ready to use on your website.
The Joomla plan offers you anything your content-rich and functional website might need to operate trouble-free round-the-clock - our servers run on NVMe drives, the ZFS file system brings amazing caching powers and 1-click backups and you can take advantage of unlimited disk space, traffic and MySQL storage quotas. Being familiar with the finest demands and sensitivity of the global Joomla users, we have made our best to ensure that the plan's set-up is fully compatible with the Joomla's working environment, and guarantee that your website will be up-and-running minimum 99.9% of the subscription period of one year.
Why Joomla?
Joomla rules! This is what you will most likely hear from the thousands of Joomla-addicted users who have entrusted their websites to one of the most popular, multi-functional and easy-to-use content management systems on the World Wide Web.
Joomla is actually much more than a CMS open-source software. It has turned into an online lifestyle pattern, a stream in the WWW philosophy proclaiming that being independent online is not necessarily backed up with complicated software solutions that cost money. The reason behind this is that Joomla is an almighty free website builder, making it easy and simple even for non-technical users to create their unique personal or business websites that can well compete with the paid ones.
How to get Joomla?
You can obtain an up-to-date copy of the tool from Joomla's official website. The installation of Joomla itself, however, requires some technical skills and you may need to pay a specialist some 140 bucks to save yourself the time and troubles! Besides, you will have to bother finding a hosting provider to accommodate your Joomla installation.
What extras do you get with the Joomla plan?
Even more, should your online demands start exceeding the Joomla potential, you can make use of other extremely popular and less known but also that useful open source tools, coming as free extras with the Joomla plan. This is possible through our 1-click Web Applications Installer included in the package, which is ready to install for you in seconds any of the over 40 different scripts available.