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Setup DNS

Taking care of the DNS settings of your domain name is the first most important step in managing it appropriately. Every time you need to change the host of your website or simply point it to another server, or use your custom mail server, you will need to perform certain DNS setup actions. It is very important that you set up the DNS settings correctly, because they are responsible for making your website and email available to its visitors through your domain name.

DNS Setup

DNS setup actions would be necessary when you wish to make your website or email function through your domain name or to apply custom parameters for the DNS records of your domain(s). If, for example, you are OK with the name servers assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider or hosting company and do not need any additional DNS changes - you may not need to deal with DNS setup operations.

Usually, every company dedicated to web hosting offers a complete set of DNS records for your domain name, if the latter is registered with them. This way, using the Default DNS setting of your hosting provider, you can start working on your website immediately and not worry for the DNS management.

DNS Setup with NTC Hosting

Setting up the DNS records of your domain(s) is truly easy with the services offered by NTC Hosting. You will be provided with an easy way to control your domains' DNS settings through a user-friendly full DNS management interface. To register your own name servers, different from the default ones - you should simply go to the Domain Manager section, select the desired domain and choose the Register Name Servers option from the NS column.

To perform any changes to your domain's DNS records, including Custom MX and A Records, CNAME Records, NS Records, AAAA Records, SRV Records, TXT Records - simply visit the Custom DNS Records section. All DNS setup options are offered to you under one roof - the NTC Hosting web hosting Control Panel.

Each new domain name registered with NTC Hosting will have its default DNS settings, which you can change at any time, regardless of the chosen web hosting plan.