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Static DNS

Using reliable DNS services is crucial to your online success. For a regular website owner - the most important of them are the name servers, which are responsible for the online resolution of all domain-related services such as websites, emails and FTP connections. And often, when you connect to the Internet, you are given a random IP address from your ISP provider.

Besides DNS with static IP hosting services, users can also take advantage of a dynamic DNS option. When, for instance, a user needs to use a dynamic IP address, whose value is refreshed every time a connection with his/her Internet Service Provider is established, he or she would have to use a dynamic DNS service, which will update the corresponding domain name servers in accordance with each IP address value update.

Static DNS

When users host their domain names on free or commercial servers, they usually get a static IP (non-changeable IP) address for their websites, which involves the use of static name servers, or static DNS, as well. Static DNS settings will never update on their own and will remain the same, until you decide to update them. Static DNS settings are very useful, since they provide a stable service with no interruptions, and can increase the overall speed of your website.

Dynamic DNS

Besides the static IP hosting services, users can also take advantage of a dynamic DNS option. When, for instance, a user needs to use a dynamic IP address whose value is refreshed every time a connection with his/her Internet Service Provider is established, he or she will have to use a dynamic DNS service, which will update the corresponding domain name servers in accordance with each IP address value update.

DNS hosting with NTC Hosting

NTC Hosting offers its clients an ultimate web hosting solution with an in-built, sophisticated domain manager. Our Control Panel's Hosted domains section provides information about the current DNS configuration of every domain hosted with us. In order to check the default DNS settings for your account, you need to log in the web hosting Control Panel and navigate to the Hosted domains section of the Domain manager.

Hosted domains section - default DNS'es

The Hosted domains section enables you to overview and manage the static DNS settings of all your hosted domains. When a domain is not pointed to the default static DNS records, it has a red cross icon in the DNS column of the table and it is not properly hosted.

Domain with wrong DNS settings

By clicking on the red cross icon, you can open a tooltip which provides information for the proper setup of the DNS settings. If you change the DNS records to the proper ones, the icon will be changed and the domain will be successfully hosted in your account's web hosting Control Panel.

Domain with applied default DNS'es

Note that all NTC Hosting clients are provided with static shared DNSs, which enable them to register their own NS records, and point their domains to dedicated IPs.